Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 2 - No hay en el pantano lugares a los que no se pueda ir


Intento para evitar tener que
hacer todas las conexiones en
el pantano


Before going nowhere from somewhere in Pantano:
    if the noun is up:
        if location is Pantano20 and liana is not part of recio arbol:
            say "Intentas trepar por la corteza del árbol, pero es demasiado resbaladiza para tu portador. ¡Ojalá tuviese alas!" instead;
            say "Aún no puedes volar. ¡Qué más quisieras!" instead;
        if the noun is down:
            say "No hay que tener tanta prisa en sumergirse en el pantano. Si acabas en la ciénaga podrían pasar siglos antes de que te volviesen a encontrar. Una posibilidad aterradora." instead;
        otherwise if the location is not Pantano28 and the location is not Pantano20 and location is not PuertaCastillo and noun is not inside and noun is not outside:
            describir caminar por el pantano;
            let destination be a random adjacent room;
            [¡Remapeamos el mapa!]
            if noun is:
                -- north:
                    now destination is mapped north of the location;
                -- northwest:
                    now destination is mapped northwest of the location;
                -- northeast:
                    now destination is mapped northeast of the location;
                -- south:
                    now destination is mapped south of the location;
                -- southwest:
                    now destination is mapped southwest of the location;
                -- southeast:
                    now destination is mapped southeast of the location.
            [let the way be the best route from the location to the destination;
            try going the way instead.]